Sell Magic Pharmacy for PoE currency : 0xbt

Sell Magic Pharmacy for PoE currency

Magic Pharmacy
Like the Life Potion, there are 12 magic potions in the game, and the higher level magic potions provide more magical damage. The principle of magic recovery is the same as that of life medicine, and will not be repeated here. You can sell Magic Pharmacy for PoE currency such as Exalted Orbs.

Unlike life remedies, most bd's goal is to get rid of the reliance on magical remedies and try to maintain the demand for magic by returning to blue or sucking blue. (Except for the bd of the spiritual sublimation talent) After the functional agent introduced by Yan Zu, you can see that there are many high-value syrups in the game that can be used. The magic pharmacy takes up a position, which is very wasteful.

In addition, for bd using CI, since only one life is reserved, it is important to note that you should not neglect to use Vase with the suffix "Caustic". Vase with this affix will deduct 15% of the magic recovery value when using it, causing the character to direct Death.

Other auxiliary properties of life potions
In addition to the reply attribute we introduced earlier (belonging to the prefix), we can also add a second attribute (suffix) to the pharmacy. In general, the second attribute belongs to the type of player, or strengthens the ability, or dispels the disadvantages. The second attribute of the blood bottle is generally considered to be dispelling.

Common unfavorable factors in the game are generally: bleeding (continuous damage), freezing/ice slowing (no action/deceleration), electric shock (more damage), curse. Especially the first two, if there is no other way to immunize or drive out, it is generally fatal, so it is recommended to use blood bottles to remove bleeding and freezing.